Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dancing Queen!

Well, last night we couldn't have been prouder! After a grueling 5 hr rehearsal thurs. night we wraped up dance this year with Bug's 2nd Spring Recital. The first pic is her backstage before her first dance "The Telephone Dance" (For all of doubters out there, I'll proudly let everybody know that the fabulous balerina bun on that head is complements of me! A special thank-you is in order for the makers of Big Sexy Hair...your products incredible hold saved me!)
Onstage with some of her class. I loved that you could just tell how much fun she has dancing on stage! She's been going on and on for weeks about dancing on the "Big Stage"!
Backstage again with our personal hair and makeup girl, Aunt Christel (yes, we had to call in the pro for the curly, pulled back do! Christel, we owe you a huge thank-you for all of your help, you're going to make the best, most creative stage mom in history!
Another live action shot...this is the "Fireman Cha Cha!"
Bug with Hubs after the recital! I'm pretty sure this might be her favorite part of dancing, she LOVEs her flowers and all of the special attention.

With Granny and Poppy,

A quick family shot! ACE is, among other things, very, very camera is a rare occasion to get a pic of him not trying to hide from the camera!

1 comment:

  1. I totally wish I could have been there. It looks like she did wonderfully. And I agree...Christel is irreplaceable!
