Life had been full of changes lately.
Good and weird.
I guess I need a little catch up before I make you laugh.
One of our biggest unknowns going into a 3rd pregnancy was our schedule.
who has, for the last 4+ years kept both kids overnight AND got them up and ready for school in time for me to swing in as soon as I get off, we have been able to keep our crazy hours.
I just knew in my heart that it wouldn't be fair to any of us to keep that up with a newborn.
So, we stepped out in faith, knowing that something would work out.
As always, it did.
I was fortunate to get a new position, just created at my job, working in the same department, but 3 12hr shifts a week, all during the day.
It's still an adjustment, but for the first time since they can remember, the kids sleep in their own beds every night...Oh, and they miss seeing Gram all the time.
I'm adjusting to working with the day shift, being a lot more busy,
and loving getting to take care of more laboring moms and families,
and missing my night shift family that I've been with for 6 yrs.
Enough of that.
Our pregnancy is going great.
I'm proud to announce that I haven't thrown up in 3 mornings straight!
I've been very thankful that I haven't had the nausea bad at all this time...
and owe Hubs a lot for stepping up around the house and with the kids while I went through the tired, lazy phase of the 1st trimester.
I'm getting bigger.
No, I won't post pictures.
This week our baby will grow the size of a turnip.
Hubs and I argue regularly about finding out the sex.
He wants to find out...I want to be surprised.
Bug wants a sister.
Ace wants a brother,
but when you ask him what the baby is, he says a sister.
Hubs wants a boy.
Two couples we know who are pregnant and due within a month of us have found out they're having, if history repeats itself, It'll be a girl.
I always seem to have the opposite sex as everyone around me.
I've been reading a lot of books written by midwives lately.
I had myself thinking that I wouldn't need an epidural this time...
then we've had a run of 8&9 lb births at work.
I'm pretty sure I've changed my mind.
Who knows.
I was going to do some picture updates today, but I can't find my camera, and Hubs isn't answering my text messages asking where it is...I'm guessing his truck, b/c he went hunting Sunday.
And now for a few funnies.
We've become embarrassingly aware recently as parents that we are going to have to start watching our words a little more closely.
Recently at Sam's, while ordering their "slushy drinks", Ace was very disappointed to hear that they were out of blue...he told the man he'd take red instead, then looked up at me and asked:
"Mom, do I say RATS, or can I just say
(but instead used a different word)
I promptly called his father.
Sunday, while Hubs was at the deer lease, the kids and I spent the afternoon and evening at home.
They pulled out their Halloween costumes
(that you haven't seen because I'm such a bad blogger)
and helped the Power Rangers take out the bad guys.
It went on for hours.
Quite amusing...
So, when I finally mad them change into jammies, they asked for a "bednight snack"
I said OK, but just one.
It wasn't too much longer before I overheard Bug lecturing Ace about how much better her bednight snack was than his...
because her cherry yogurt is packed full of
"natural whole grains"
"natural whole grains"
are a very important part of a good diet.
I just laughed, and didn't have the heart to correct her.
This morning, Ace completely dressed himself, even put on shoes and socks...
then demanded I get out of my warm bed, get out of my jammies, and take him to Taco Bell.
He's lucky that the Taco Bell is also a KFC.
My stomach is treating me kinder, but I don't want to test it too much.
His persistence got him his taco.
I shouldn't be such a sucker, but it was cute...and I didn't have to cook.
And finally, Hubs txt me back.
Camera is in his truck.
But here's my super hero's
fighting with the Power Rangers.
I love these kids.