Friday, March 4, 2011

Things I don't want to forget...

No pictures for now,
just need to jot down a few memories before they run off into the fogs of my brain...

Last Thursday I had my first real massage...heaven!

Friday and Sat Gram, BFF, Miss L and I took off to Bentonville.
We got to meet Kelly Stamps and Angie Smith.
We had been planning on traveling to Shreveport WOF event to hear Angie speak in April,
but that event was cancelled :(
When I heard she'd be in Bentonville (within reasonable travel distance) I spread the word, and planned the trip.  We had an amazing time.  Angie was a great speaker, and I was so thankful to be able to tell her face to face how her book has helped me better care for my patients that are facing the tragic loss of their babies.
Her words are amazing, and if you haven't read her book or checked out her blog, you're missing out.

Sunday morning, right after I rolled over, I "felt" Carlos kicking with my hand.
I've felt "him" rolling and kicking for several weeks now, but only down low and never from the outside.  I promptly grabbed the sleeping Hubs hand so he could enjoy the experience too, but the show was over.  Hubs accused me of just wanting to wake him up and hour before his alarm :)

Yesterday we celebrated the life of our great friend "Miss Emma".
She was the secretary at our church for 53 years!
It was so fun to hear every one's memories and stories of Emma and be reminded of her lifetime commitment to Jesus and how he used her at our church!
It was also fun to see old friends, some that I hadn't seen in probably 17 years!

I just giggle a little to myself at the looks on peoples faces when I tell them I'm not due until July 4th.
I know how big I feel, but I guess I'm looking it too.
And I am also surprised by the amount of people who can't wrap their brains around the fact we wanted to have another baby.  It doesn't bother me so much anymore, and I'm too happy and excited to get my feelings hurt, it just surprises me that it would be such a foreign concept to so many people.
I just remind myself that some days I wonder what we were thinking too, and we'll just keep doing what we feel is right for our family.

Last night, Ace separated every piece of dirty laundry we gathered.
I was in awe!
He took charge and didn't want any help.
He was a little more specific than I tend to be, but in the end, he did a great job...
I'm now working with:
a shirt pile
a pants pile
a shorts pile
a jammies pile
a sock pile
an underwear pile
a towel pile
a bath mat pile
and a white shirt pile
I'm very happy about the help, and don't mind that he was trying to get out of going to bed a bit!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to meet Carlos and I'm so glad that y'all enjoyed the trip to Bentonville! WOF will be here before we know it :-)
    ...and so will Carlos! I love that you're having another baby! Don't listen to the haters ;-)

    So sad I couldn't be there yesterday!!!
