Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just so you know...

Hopefully by this time Tuesday I'll be posting pictures of our new house!!

As of Friday we are "most likely" signing papers sometime Monday!

I've hesitated to get too excited or post anything for sure for fear that we'll hit a snag or the whole thing would fall through.

We are super excited, the kids can't wait, and Hubs bought me a real life compost bin to celebrate! (I know, I'm probably the only person that thinks that's romantic! You'll also be comforted to know that he talked me out of "saving up" all of my "compostible materials" until the big move, and promises to buy me some worms to go in it as soon as we're moved!!) :)

So, hopefully soon I'll be blogging from my new, bigger (double the size) house, saving the world with my compose bin, reveling in the fact that the kids can "time out" in their very own rooms!

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us and such a great support through this process!

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