Friday, July 1, 2011

Staying Busy...

One of our biggest challenges being at home as a family of 5 has been...
being at home.
We are normally a very "out and about" family, 
so I shouldn't be surprised about Cabin Fever.
It's been made worse by 100 degree outside temps.

So, we've done a lot of chilling in the AC...
and have gotten creative with at home activities...

We've turned the sprinkler on the trampoline
and I even bought Play-dough...
(for those who don't know me well, I HATE the stuff...
however, it keeps the "big kids" occupied and busy for extended periods of time)

This is Bug's Solar System...
Yes, those are all the planets.
She specifically demanded requested a picture be taken and
"put on Facebook or the Internet".
What is the world coming to??

We've also been trying to spend as much time in the evenings, after dinner, when the heat is tolerable outside.  Ace loves to play baseball and golf.  Bug has taken an interest in basketball and been practicing her dribbling up and down the driveway!
Last night some of our neighbors were shooting fireworks down the street.
Ace headed indoors (hates them), Bug and I (and Carlos) watched for a few minutes...
the poor guy was getting a little sweaty snuggled up to me, so I plopped him down in Ace's chair for a few cute!
That's what we're up to lately...
hope all of you are finding fun ways to stay cool and avoid Cabin Fever! 
We're looking forward to a busy holiday weekend...
lots of family and friends will be meeting out new guy for the first time,
we're going to try out a long day trip in hopes that Carlos is as good of a traveler as Bug and Ace were,
and Oh, do we have a fun story to blog for later!

On another quick note...
Carlos had a well baby visit this morning.
Here's his new stats...
Up to 8lbs 14oz (from 8lb 9oz last week)
and has grown a whole 3/4in!
He's a perfect, growing, healthy boy!

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