Today. End of seven work nights, not sleeping well, woken up so Hubs could go help Grandpa, alone with 2 kids, hungry beyond reason with nothing to eat at home...and I'll insert here that I gave it an honest try...jelly but no PB, crackers but no cheese, no cereal, no lean cuisines, no anything edible...I decided that groceries were to the stupid part...
I fell for this...
and there was a lot of this...
For the record...only 1 innocent bystander was grazed, I did not loose my sanity, I did not yell, I think I got everything I was supposed to, and both kids made it home with me...oh the Grace of God is endless.
On a side note...the sunflower, for those of you on pins and needles, is now officially as tall as me. I would now give you photographic proof, but since yesterday was "national wear your husbands old gym shorts and blood donation t-shirt around town day" (if you didn't get that memo I'm sorry, perhaps you'll catch it next time and join in)...I'll just wait until tomorrow to take a new picture. Thank-you for your understanding.
I got this memo, I thought I was the only one.